The Philippines successfully participated in the China (Xiamen) International Leisure Tourism Expo (CILTE) 2019 held from 19 to 21 April 2019 in Fujian Province, particularly in Xiamen, Fuzhou and Quanzhou cities.
The Philippine participation was spearheaded by the Philippine Tourism Office in Shanghai (PTO-Shanghai), the Philippine Tourism Promotions Board (TPB) and the Philippine Consulate in Xiamen.
As a pre-Expo event, PTO-Shanghai organized a Tourism Forum in Fuzhou City attended by its tourism promotion partners and other stake holders, including Philippine Airlines and Xiamen Airlines;
A Philippine booth showcasing tourist attractions on video screens in the Philippines was enthusiastically visited by the visitors at the Expo. The 90-square meter booth, the biggest among ASEAN countries participating at the Expo, provided an information center, a performing stage, wall with video screen and business stations of private sector participants.
Visitors were handed out brochures, bags and T-shirts. The booth included displays and food tasting of Philippine products, including dried mangoes and bananas, fruit juices and beer (SMB).
Folklorico Filipino Dance Co. was also contracted to perform for the duration of the event, and gave different folk dance medleys during specific intervals on a daily basis.
Tourism Attaché Rene Reyes participated in the Tourism Round Table where he featured: 1) Products for Cultural Tourism – an opportunity for tourists to experience the local culture and way of life, such as pilgrimage tours which would include sight-seeing of various religious architectural designs coupled with experiencing local religious and cultural practices; 2) Cultural tourism and environmental protection; 3) Tourism with Responsibility – making sure that tourism would not destroy local cultures and environment for more people to enjoy.
For more information, visit www.dfa.gov.ph, www.facebook.com/dfaphl, and @dfaphl on Twitter. END