Consul General Julius Caesar A. Flores visited Fujian Daliya Group Co. Ltd. and met with its President, Mr. Lu Zi Li on 12 February 2018 in Jinjiang City. Daliya Group is based in Ke Ren Village where its expansive office and textile plant is located.
The firm manufactures textiles and ready to wear (RTW) clothing under its flagship brand Kevinlin & Tomlv (K & T), and are retailed domestically in China and exported to other foreign markets, including the Philippines.
Mr. Lu expressed appreciation to Consul General Flores for the visit as well as expressed enthusiasm for future business collaboration to further enhance economic ties between Fujian and the Philippines.
The visit was arranged through Filipino-Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Inc. (FCGCCI) – Youth Committee, a valuable partner of the Consulate General in its cultural and economic diplomacy thrusts.
For more information, visit www.dfa.gov.ph, www.facebok.com/dfaphl and @dfaphl on Twitter. END