Consul General Julius Caesar A. Flores led a Familiarization Tour of Puerto Princesa City, Palawan from 18-22 December 2017 as part of its economic diplomacy program to help promote the Philippines as a tourist destination to the Fujian as well as Chinese markets.
Puerto Princesa City officials including Mayor Lucilo R. Bayron, Vice Mayor Nancy M. Socrates, Councilors Rolando T. Amurao and Nesario Awat, Tourism Officer Aileen Amurao welcomed and hosted a dinner reception for the Fujian Fam Tour group.
The Fam Tour is expected to drum up interest among the general public in Xiamen, Fuijan and Jiangxi provinces in time for introduction of tour packages and charter flights between Puerto Princesa and Xiamen cities.
Media and travel tour operators’ representatives from Fujian’s major firms and organizations joined the Fam Tour of Puerto Princesa’s major points of interest including city tour of Sta. Monica Ranch, Baker’s Hill, Butterfly Eco-Garden and Tribal Village, Honda Bay Island-hopping (Panday and Luli islands) and Dos Palmas Island Resort.
The Tour was made possible through the auspices of the China International Travel Services (CITS)-Xiamen and the Department of Tourism (DOT)-Puerto Princesa City.
For more information, visit www.dfa.gov.ph, www.facebook.com/dfaphl, and @dfaphl on Twitter. END