The Philippines co-hosted the Investment Opportunity Seminar of 2017 Fujian (Xiamen) Pilot Free Trade Zone (FJFTZ-Xiamen) on Silk Road Cooperation with the Philippines, Georgia and Poland held at the Xiamen C&D Hotel on 19 September 2017 attended by more than 300 guests and members of the media.
The Seminar is part of the 2017 China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT), an annual event being held under the auspices of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and organized by the Fujian Provincial People’s Government, Xiamen Municipal People’s Government and the Ministry of Commerce’s Investment Promotion Agency and which the Consulate General co-organized with FJFTZ-Xiamen as part of its economic diplomacy thrusts for 2017.
Among the foreign dignitaries present were Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) Director General Charito Booc Plaza, Miss Nina Javakhadze, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of the Republic of Georgia, Mr. Giorgi Edilashvili, Acting Head of Investment Promotion Department at Enterprise of Georgia, and Mr. Andrzej Juchniewicz, Chief Representative of Polish Investment and Trade Agency.
The local authorities were led by Xiamen Vice Mayor Ni Chao, Standing Committee Member of CPC Xiamen Committee and Director General of Fujian (Xiamen) Free Trade Zone (FJFTZ-Xiamen), Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Commerce Deputy Director General Hong Benzhu and other FJFTZ officials.
In her remarks, Vice Mayor Ni briefed on the status of Xiamen City’s economy, including data on current trade volume, and foreign investments in the city as well as Xiamen City’s and the FJFTZ-Xiamen’s recent accomplishments.
DG Plaza delivered a presentation on investment opportunities in the Philippines. She gave an overview of the business environment in the Philippines including the advantages of investing in the Philippines with its highly educated, English-speaking, loyal and low-cost labor force as well as the stable political and economic environment. She also discussed Philippine investment incentives, tax holidays for investors particularly in the country’s economic zones.
For more information, visit www.dfa.gov.ph, www.facebok.com/dfaphl and @dfaphl on Twitter. END