Consul General Julius Caesar A. Flores attended the opening ceremony of the 13th Foreign Government Officials’ Chinese Language Program as one of the VIP guests on 15 September 2017 at Huaqiao University (HQU), Jimei District, Xiamen City.
The 4th batch from the Philippines since 2011 is represented by four Philippine National Police (PNP) officers led by PCI Judith Laguitao, PCI Yeelyne Lacpao-Saligumba, PCI Roan Marie D. Bascugin and PSI Ariel V. Saltin.
In brief remarks, Consul General Flores conveyed his warm welcome to all new batches of the program coming from Indonesia, Laos, the Philippines and Thailand among others. Consul General Flores also encouraged everyone to obtain a better appreciation of Fujian life, culture and history while immersing in learning Chinese for nine months.
Consul General Flores also conveyed, on behalf of the Philippine Government, its sincere appreciation to Huaqiao University in recognition of its firm commitment to continue its foreign language training program which serves as a valuable platform in enhancing people-to-people contacts as well promoting friendship, understanding and cooperation between China and the participating countries.
The Consulate General also expressed its full support and cooperation to continue to work with Huaqiao University to increase and widen the participation of Philippine representatives in this significant program.
For more information, visit www.dfa.gov.ph, www.facebok.com/dfaphl and @dfaphl on Twitter. END