Consul General Julius Caesar A. Flores called on Professor Yang Zhen, Chair/Master Supervisor, Music Department, Xiamen University – Tan Kan Kee College (Zhangzhou Campus) on 23 August 2017.
Consul General Flores and Prof. Yang discussed a pending proposal to forge a cooperation program between the University of Mindanao (UM) and Xiamen University (XMU, Zhangzhou Campus). The proposed program would feature an exchange program of students and professors between the two universities which will be a valuable platform in further enhancing people-to-people contacts as well as promoting friendship and understanding between Xiamen and the Philippines.
Consul General Flores expressed the Consulate General’s full support and cooperation to the proposal, including facilitating the process of drawing up an MOU that will institutionalize the program between the two institutions. The Consulate General underscored that an MOU is vital to provide the framework of cooperation.
The visit also opened a new window of opportunity for the Consulate General to further enhance its cultural diplomacy when it welcomed Prof. Yang’s other proposal for XMU’s hosting of visiting Philippine cultural performances/troupes in the future.
XMU’s Zhangzhou campus, less than an hour away from Xiamen, occupies an expansive complex of 171 hectares with a student population of 20,000. The campus includes a 200-seater multi-functional hall as well as a huge outdoor theater for cultural performances.
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