The Philippine Consulate General in Xiamen successfully launched Overseas Voting (OAV) for 2016 National Elections at the Philippine Consulate General in Xiamen on 09 April 2016. A total of fourteen (14) Filipinos casted their ballots on the first day of voting, including voters from Fuzhou and Xiamen cities.
The voters from Fuzhou City, which is three hours away from Xiamen, are long-time residents and currently employed with the World Known Precision Industry, Co., Inc. Officers of the Filipino Association in Xiamen (FAX) also comprised the early batch of voters.
A total of 585 voters (of which 223 are new registrants) are registered in Post’s area of jurisdiction - Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces. Majority of the registered voters, numbering 424 or comprising 72% are from Xiamen while the rest are from Quanzhou (65), Jinjiang (40) and Shishi (32), Fujian Province, while 23 (roughly 4%) are registered from Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province.
Post exceeded its target of 100 new registrants for the 2016 OV through its aggressive information campaign and mobile registration efforts undertaken in Jinjiang City, Fujian Province and in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province. END