Xiamen City, 11 September 2021 --- In light of the continued restrictions on disembarking seafarers in China brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) through the Philippine Consulate General in Xiamen distributed Emergency Care Packages consisting of food supplies and hygiene kits to twenty-nine (29) stranded Filipino seafarers aboard Hanrong 362, 366 and 369 in Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province.
Acting Head of Post Elaine Mae V. Laruan-Hernandez underscored that the distribution of care packages for the said stranded Filipino seafarers in Zhangzhou City is to ensure that they have sufficient supplies while they are undergpoing the process of repatriation.
The Consulate General will continue to extend assistance and support the distressed Filipino seafarers, until their eventual repatriation to the Philippines.